SHOP - Sibyllegatan 59
Welcome to my shop in Stockholm. My colleague Sofia and I found this wonderful space in July 2016. It had been a dusty antique shop for decades and even a milk parlour. After a summer of intensive yet fun renovating we officially opened our store and workshop in October 2016. Small, practical and cosy. Here, we display our own jewellery, meet our clients and design and make the jewellery. We absolutely love being here and I hope that you too will feel at home when you come and visit us.
As well as creating pieces of my own design, I also work with creating new pieces for clients often using their existing jewellery. Many of us have jewellery lying around at home which we do not use. Engagement and wedding rings inherited from past relatives, christening gifts, and jewellery which we just don’t enjoy wearing anymore. I use the materials in the old jewellery to make new pieces, discussing the design together with the client. Of course, I can also provide gold, stones and pearls if you do not have any jewellery which you want to re-use. You can read more about the process under My work. I also hold evening events in the shop. Lectures on pearls and precious stones together with experts on these subjects, or an introduction to the workshop. Maybe you’d like to know how a ring is made or see how gold is melted. If you have an art society or are a group of friends who enjoy cultural events, please feel free to contact me. We don’t have set opening hours although we are almost always here. Do pop in if you’re in the vicinity. We love having visitors, even if you don’t have a specific errand. If you want to be sure that I’m in the shop, please feel free to contact me on +46 70 4533926, or [email protected]. Fabriken in Torekov
My summers are spent in the seaside village Torekov, located on the south-west coast of Sweden. I have an ateljé in an old factory in the centre of the village. Do contact me if you would like to visit.